1. The whole of the Qur'an is 'da'wah' that is literally ment to be shared with the entire world to resolve every worldly matter, Insha Allah.
2. Allah filled the Qur'an with examples of the stories of the Prophets who were senT to nations who committed many of the same attrocities we are witnessing around the world today.
3. Allah gave us a step by step guide of what He told the Prophets to 'SAY' to the oppressors and wrongdoers, from the Speech of Allah. Is the whole of the Qur’an NOT filled with “Qul”, “Qul”, “Qul?” "Say", "say", "say?"
4. Yet, Muslims use the Qur'an (the Speech of Allah) mostly just on Muslims, literary reminding Muslims not to do the very things that the kuffar are doing, and as the non-Muslims do those very same things, we put the Qur'an behind our backs forgetting about it, and go out to address them with our very own speech that doesn't even reflect any 'indirect' warnings about the day of judgement, or any kind of accountability with Allah.
ALLAH SAYS: "Warn with this ˹Quran˺ those who are awed by the prospect of being gathered before their Lord—when they will have no protector or intercessor besides Him—so perhaps they will be mindful ˹of Him˺." [Chapter 6 Al An'am Verse 51]
5. Due to not enough Muslims having the heart and mind set of a da'ee, we have failed to recognize all of the 'opportunities' that Allah has given us DECADE after DECADE after DECADE, to use the speech of Allah OUTSIDE OF OUR MUSLIM AFFAIRS.
6. From the examples of the STORIES OF THE PROPHETS sent to the people and nations they were send to in the Qur'an, ALLAH TEACHES US THAT Allah's punishment always came after they were warned. ALLAH SAYS: "And We rescued those who used to warn those who do evil, and we overtook the wrongdoers with a dreadful punishment for their rebelliousness." [Al Araf Chapter 7 Verse 165]
Again, we have to ask ourselves, with what we have been putting on our signs, HAVE WE REALLY WARNED THEM YET? ARE WE REALLY WARNING ANYONE AT ALL?
I truly AND humbly believe that 'THIS' is what Allah has been waiting for us to do. NOT JUST US, BUT THOSE OPPRESSED WHO ARE DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE OPPRESSORS TO DO, INSHA ALLAH.